Monday, June 25, 2012
Bukti Majlis Peguam Sudah Mampu Berinteraksi Dengan UMNO - Hafarizam Harun
KUALA LUMPUR, 25 Jun – Forum Siri Pemikiran Kritis yang dianjurkan oleh Majlis Peguam Malaysia baru-baru ini merupakan satu langkah yang baik bagi menyemarakkan lagi perbincangan secara ilmiah berkenaan institusi undang-undang di negara ini, kata Penasihat Undang-Undang UMNO, Datuk Hafarizam Harun. Menurut beliau, dengan wujudnya siri-siri forum seperti ini, perbincangan demi perbincangan untuk menambahbaikan sistem undang-undang di negara ini boleh dilakukan dengan idea-idea yang diluahkan oleh panel dan juga peserta forum berkenaan.
“Tindakan Majlis Peguam menjemput saya sebagai wakil dari UMNO juga membuktikan bahawa Majlis Peguam kini sudah mampu untuk berinteraksi dengan UMNO dan ini merupakan satu langkah permulaan yang baik untuk kedua-dua belah pihak,” jelas beliau. Jelas beliau lagi, dakwaan yang mengatakan Majlis Peguam lebih memihak kepada pakatan Pembangkang dalam beberapa isu sebelum ini, termasuk perhimpunan Bersih 3.0 baru-baru ini adalah lebih kepada masalah persepsi.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Assess The Integrity
3rd. February 2012
Tun Abdul Hamid Bin Haji Mohamad
(Former Chief Justice of Malaysia)
I thank UNITEN and the Institut Integriti Malaysia for giving me the honor of delivering the first lecture of this series. I am more honored by the fact that this lecture is on integrity which makes me believe that I must have some integrity, at least sufficient to deliver this lecture, provided that the invitation is not a mistake !
As I am not an academician, I have decided to speak about what I have seen, heard and experienced throughout my life, vis-a-vis integrity. So, if you were to ask me how long I took to prepare this lecture, my answer is “Sixty nine years and ten months!”
I hope you will bear with me for a while, while I narrate the story of this man whom I am taking as an example.
At the close of the nineteenth century, a baby was born in Permatang Tinggi Bakar Bata, Kepala Batas, Province Wellesley. He grew up in the village, attended a pondok school in Kedah, then in Kelantan and later spent a few years in Makkah where he attended classes at Masjid al-Haram.
3rd. February 2012
Tun Abdul Hamid Bin Haji Mohamad
(Former Chief Justice of Malaysia)
I thank UNITEN and the Institut Integriti Malaysia for giving me the honor of delivering the first lecture of this series. I am more honored by the fact that this lecture is on integrity which makes me believe that I must have some integrity, at least sufficient to deliver this lecture, provided that the invitation is not a mistake !
As I am not an academician, I have decided to speak about what I have seen, heard and experienced throughout my life, vis-a-vis integrity. So, if you were to ask me how long I took to prepare this lecture, my answer is “Sixty nine years and ten months!”
I hope you will bear with me for a while, while I narrate the story of this man whom I am taking as an example.
At the close of the nineteenth century, a baby was born in Permatang Tinggi Bakar Bata, Kepala Batas, Province Wellesley. He grew up in the village, attended a pondok school in Kedah, then in Kelantan and later spent a few years in Makkah where he attended classes at Masjid al-Haram.