Monday, June 29, 2009


Salam Sejahtera,

Minggu lepas saya telah menerima emel daripada seseorang yang meminta agar indentiti beliau tidak dinyatakan. Di dalam emel beliau itu, beliau telah menyenaraikan beberapa peguam-peguam pakatan pembangkang yang telah mendapat faedah/manfaat daripada institusi perbankan (dimana Kerajaan Barisan Nasional mempunyai kepentingan, samada secara langsung atau tidak) dan juga syarikat milik Kerajaan (GLCs) dan sekarang memberi perkhidmatan undang-undang secara 'pro bono' (percuma) kepada pakatan pembangkang di dalam tindakan undang-undang di Perak.
Apakah ini suatu yang wajar? Kenapakah tidak berlaku sebaliknya iaitu firma saya ataupun mana-mana rakan di dalam pasukan saya mendapat kerja daripada PKNS, PKINK ataupun Penang Development Corporation? Siapakah yang bersalah di dalam situasi ini?
Dibawah ini, saya telah mengadaptasikan emel tersebut di dalam blog saya dan saya bersetuju 100%.


These are the lawyers whom have benefited from the good deed of Barisan Nasional Government governing the country and made it conducive for them to earn a wealthy and luxurious life style.

We oxygenate them and let them censure us, live a life to fight us out and make continuous attempt to discredit and where possible kick the Government of the day out of power. They threw their absolute support to the opposition irrespective of right or wrong.

1. Ranjit Singh of Ranjit Ooi & Robert Loh and getting work/fees from Ambank

2. Edmund Bon of Chooi & Co. and getting work/fees from OCBC, ING Merchant

3. Chan Kok Keong of Chan & Associates and getting work/fees from Perwira Affin Bank &

4. Tommy Thomas of Tommy Thomas and getting work/fees from CIMB, Bank Islam,Petronas, BP International Finance, Dana Harta, Kerajaan Negeri Terenganu

5. Philip Koh of Mah Kamariah & Philip Koh and getting work/fees from AmBank, Affin Citibank, RHB, Petronas and IOI Properties

6. Leong Cheok Keng of Leong & Tan and getting work/fees from BSN

We are the one who enrich these lawyers who instead of thanking us bite us to bleed. It is suggested that all banking institutions and GLC cease from engaging them either directly or indirectly.

It is also important to ensure all banking institution and GLC only refer work to firms which are pro-government.

Zaid Ibrahim & Co. is on the panel of most banks and GLC and yet they squeeze the Government to a point of no return.

If we do not put a stop to all these they will grow bigger and stronger and by then we will be too late to stop them. "
Sekian, terima kasih.


  1. asalam..

    izinkan saya copy & paste kat blog saya, untuk makluman bersama...

  2. Tak Patut memang tak patut...

    Kerajaan BN Zalim kononnya.. lihatlah bukti ini..

    Akai adaka..

  3. Datu Sulaiman,

    Isu disini ialah, bagaimana syarikat kepunyaan/kepentingan Kerajaan BN i.e. GLCs ataupun Bank-Bank, boleh alpa atau lewa membantu peguam-peguam berikut dengan memberikan kerja-kerja 'legal' walhal, di dalam hati dan sanubari mereka, mereka ingin menjatuhkan Kerajaan BN itu sendiri. "Simply put, its biting the hands that feed"!

    Masalahnya ialah kesedaran di kalangan pemegang tampuk GLCs ataupun Bank-Bank dimana Kerajaan BN mempunyai kepentingan bahawa, jika tidak berhati-hati, bahawa barisan peguam inilah yang dikatakan 'robbing Peter to pay Paul or the other way of saying it, robbing BN to enrich Pakatan Pembangkang'!

    Apakah barisan peguam UMNO/BN ataupun yang pro-Kerajaan tidak setanding atau sehebat mereka ini. Apakah Pakatan pembangkang, jikalau mereka menguasai Kerajaan Malaysia dan syarikat berkait dengannya, akan memberikan layanan yang sama?

    Terima kasih.

  4. Mintak Izin dao untuk publish artikel ini di blog saya!

  5. Setuju.. memang tak patut diketepikan peguam-peguam yang menyokong kerajaan, sedangkan yang menentang kerajaan mendapat projek kerajaan. Jika dibaca nama-nama peguam berkaitan kita tidak terkejut pun jika mereka mengkritik kerajaan kerana...(sensor). Boleh jadi juga peguam talam dua muka ini memberi banyak maklumat kepada pembangkang atau menyalurkan kewangan kepada pembangkang. Sokong supaya kerajaan dan GLC semak semula.

  6. These so called learned people are all hypocrites, you can argue all you want, you can manipulate all the right words but i guess at the end of the day money is the main thing here.

    it seems when it comes to monetary gains, all the principle that they say they uphold, all the "good fight" that they championed goes right out of the window,i mean come on guys at least have the decency to say or admit that you have gained something right....

    dont just go lashing out at the government while you are also benefitting from them. How ignorant or selfish you can be? Robbing Peter to pay Paul? that doesn't even cover it. It is more like robbing the whole damn village and keeping it for yourself!

    It's time some kind of action or guidelines be put into place..

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice well i guess i am just a sucker for big name corporate 'leeches' oops wrong words, it should be lawyers.

  7. apa isu dan masalahnya,
    tak ada masalah langsung. mcm pisahkan agama dari politik... x de masalah langsung. Di Kelantan berapa ramai umno dapt keuntungan drpd pemerintahan pas... tak der masalah. di penang, orang UMNO semua kena pecat ke. di kedah semua pengundi umno kena buang daerah ker. Peguam yg wakil Nizar... itu bisnes pak... apa tn nak bayar ka klu di org tarik diri wakil nizar.
    Peguam... kerja... cari duit... klu nak kira utk kebaikan negara, tak payah lah peguam membela penjenayahkan.... lu pkirlah sendri....

  8. To parpu kari & zm.azami,

    By all means please do so. Please qualify that it is an email that I received from someone and I have promised that the identity shall not be disclosed.

    Thank you.

  9. ni lah jadinya bila peguam motivated by money instead of "keadilan" (bukan PKR)..dah la tu sanggup menjatuhkan kerajaan sedangkan agensi-agensi kerajaan & GLC yg byk tolong dorg yg tamak dan khianat ni..

  10. Batalkan saja kontrak mereka,masih banyak lagi peguam2 MELAYU yang berkaliber dan masih lagi menyokong BN.

  11. Salam Sdr Hafarizam,

    This is a very serious matter. The GLCs, such as TM, TNB, etc., control the essential services (critical sectors) of the nation. GLCs such as TM and TNB are monopolies in the telecommunications and power sectors. When a foreign country goes to war with Malaysia or seeks to control it, the first thing it will do is to attack or control the critical sectors such as telecom and power supplies.

    If opposition or foreign elements have their hands in them, or even possess majority stakes, then our country would be in serious danger. This is a matter of national security!

    I'm surprised not many bloggers notice this. So far, only blogger warisan2057 ( has written about it. Perhaps you should draw the attention of established bloggers such as Rocky Bru, A Voice and others to this issue.

    The Government must do something, quickly and firmly. Or is it oblivious to the danger at hand?

  12. salam

    mana perginya peguam2 melayu, mcmana pula mereka2 yg tersenarai tu boleh dapat habuan dari kerajaan?
    Siapa yang luluskan?
    Siapa yang menjadi dalang?

    harap dapat di dedahkan .......

  13. Having special benefits for just one particular group of people in this country is not feeding off the system? You people are the hypocrites! Why not name the other Malay lawyers as well? Why only point out some? I suppose you're a racist too!?

  14. dearest datuk HALF-A REASON;

    Inilah apa yang dipanggil "CHEATING IN BROAD DAYLIGHT". Apa yang saya maksudkan bukanlah para peguam yang dinamakan oleh datuk. Apa yang saya maksudkan dengan cheating in broad daylight sebenarnya merujuk kepada datuk sendiri.

    Mana mana peguam akan tahu bahawa setiap firma peguam adalah panel kepada salah satu daripada bank atau institusi perbankan. Malah kes kes yang diperolehi oleh firma daripada bank bank adalah kesan terjalinnya 'panel-ship' dari masa dahulu lagi. (we're talking about year & years ago)

    adalah salah (dari segala sisi) sekiranya datuk merujuk kepada tindakan peguam-peguam tersebut sebagai tidak wajar.

    Selaku PENASIHAT UNDANG UNDANG UMNO, anda patut tahu bahawa kebanyakan firma peguam (if not all) mengambil kes dari pihak bank. So whats wrong with getting work or fees from these banks? Sebagai peguam, anda patut tahu bahawa fees (so called paid by the banks) adalah diperolehi daripada pihak penghutang. (chargor/debtor/loan taker).

    Tidak salah langsung. Oleh it, memadailah untuk DATUK HALF-A-REASON untuk menyalahgunakan maklumat ini demi kepentingan 'glamour' diri sendiri.

    Sekiranya datuk kehabisan topik untuk ditulis di dalam blog, saya dengan rendah diri mencadangkan Datuk agar mengulas tentang isu-isu yang lebih penting dan benar-benar memanfaatkan pembaca-pembaca datuk seperti skandal PKFZ atau skandal MONGOLIA LADY ataupun isu penyalahgunaan kuasa polis.
    Sekian Terima kasih.

  15. Dearest Full,

    Terima kasih atas komen. Saya bersetuju bahawa kerja-kerja yang diperolehi, daripada bank-bank, adalah kesan terjalinnya 'panel-ship' dari masa yang dahulu. Itu diteriam sebagai norma profession Undang-Undang.

    Apa yang saya cuba untuk ketengahkan disini ialah, pertamanya prinsip atau maruah diri barisan peguam-peguam dan keduanya kealpaan institusi tersebut. Sekurang-kurangnya, mintalah keluar daripada 'panel-ship' tersebut jika ingin membuat kerja 'pro-bono' untuk pakatan pembangkang. Barulah dikatakn, stand by your principle. Why must be a hypocrite!

    Berkenaan isu-isu lain seperti PKFZ dsb, saya tidak berapa arif (atau selesa) kerana saya tidak terlibat di dalam mana-mana isu tersebut, justeru itu biarlah saya hanya fokus kepada isu berkenaan Perak (dan lain-lain yang berkaitan dengannya). Saya ambil maklum, di dalam mana-mana 'civil society', isu ketelusan (transparency)/penyampaian (delivery)/'police brutality' dsb adalah buah mulut di kalangan rakyat, tetapi, mengapa saya menulis tentang pemberian geran 999 tahun di Perak, ianya tidak dilihat sebegitu rupa. Malah, hampir senyap seribu bahasa! Disini, saya lihat polemiknya.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

  16. Dear Comments,

    Every person is racist by definition. The question is how extreme you are and how you balance it with the multi diversity of Malaysia. On that principle, I am a racist like you (otherwise, why do you bring in the racist issue here).

    Why there isnt the names of Malay lawyers is because I didnt get the names from the sender but like the Malay saying goes, 'siapa makan cili dialah terasa pedas'.

    Thank you.

  17. Di Melaka, Syarikat milik pemuka PAS menjalankan bisnis dengan Anak Syarikat Kerajaan Negeri Melaka. Pada Hal si fulan ini bukan main kutuk lagi Ali Rustam.

    Di Selangor Kontraktor yang hendak mendaftar sebagai kontraktor panel dengan SUK, permohonan mereka perlu diperakui (certified) oleh ADUN PKR!!!.Adakah anda fikir ADUN PR aka ceritified kontraktor yang ahli UMNO?

    Talk about Justice and Meritocracy!!

  18. Tuan,
    Apa maslahnya di sini. Peguam adalah pedagang yang cari duit. Peguam adalah kelompok enterprising. Opportunis dan ambitiuos. Siapa sangggup bagi dia sapu.
    GLC itu hak Kerajaan BN manakala Kerjaan BN itu hak siapa? Hak Najib atau Mahathirkah?
    Apa-apa jika semua akan kembali kepada rakyat apa susahnaya. Kalau semua mahu masukkan dalam bakul politik susahlah mahu hidup. Sikit2 mahu tendang sana, mahu sapu sini -apa hal. Rakyat mana mahu letak? Bawah tapak kaki politikus kah?

  19. Gedung Akal,

    Isunya adalah prinsip, iaitu, jika mahu menentang BN janganlah buat kerja-kerja daripada syarikat BN.

    Saya faham Rakyat adalah yang memilih pemimpin(samada pakatan pembangkang ataupun BN) tetapi Saudara, jika saudara adalah seorang Muslim, Ulil Amri (Pemerintah) patut ditaati setelah Allah dan Rasulnya! Saya masih ingat, sewaktu itu saya di England (2003) pabila Amerika dan sekutunya mahu melancarkan perang ke Iraq, Mr Tony Blair (mantan Perdana Menteri) pernah berkata (sewaktu 'public opinion poll' dijalankan, keputusan menunjukkan bahawa lebih 80% rakyat England menentangnya), Kerajaan beliau tetap bersama Amerika menyerang Iraq. Beliau berkata 'there is a difference between commontry and leadership'.

    Sekian, terima kasih.

  20. banyak lagi dato firma guaman yg dpt projek dari gov tapi penyokong kuat pembangkang dalam nk jatuhkan gov.kawan saya isterinya dapat surat guaman utk urusan ptptn.apparently firm yg hantar surat tu adalah zico.

  21. Datuk Hafarizam,

    Commentators who called you racist and hypocritical.. just could not see the points that you put forward.

    The important point that you trying to say.

    I would like to highlights those points to them..

    So. People.

    The whole world knows that lawyers especially the pro PR lawyers always bashing the NEP, as if the system never fed them. The policy only benefits UMNO people and the selective races.









  22. first of all, these banks are not even owned by BN ....if at all, they only have an interest in the institutions.

    pada pandangan saya, if some ppl think that BN should only give their contracts to their own ppl, by all means find a land and bring BN ppl their and they can share all their riches amongst themselves. as a layperson, the isu of wajar atau tidak adalah propaganda datuk untuk membangkitkan sentimen yg tdk berasas.

    If you want to concentrate on the perak isu, perhaps the best thing to do is concentrate on the relevant legal point and not attacking lawyers unnecessarily. Sememangnya tidak wajar.....bukanlah para peguam yang tidak wajar...ttp tindakan datuk yang tidak berasas adalah tidak wajar. These are just views of a layperson. Maybe i am not as learned as yourself but such are my views.

    the real hypocrites are not those who work openly and transparently but those who work their magic hands in covering up scandals and crisis such as the one in Perak.

  23. Dear Full,

    Thank you for your commnents. I agree that maybe I should limit it to Perak issue but nevertheless, when you have to write you just have to, thus my latest analysis on Manek Urai by-election.

    Dear Full, that article does not only refer to Banks, but also GLCs and Barisan Nasional Government definitely has direct and indirect interest in them, thats why we have Khazanah Nasional.

    There is no cover up in Perak issue. Infact, I was informed (although it may be hearsay), my learned friend Chan Kok Keong was supposed to be Ipoh Deputy Mayor should the Government of Perak under pakatan pembangkang did not fall; my learned friend Leong Cheok Keng was supposed to be Majlsi Bandaraya Ipoh Councillor; and my learned friend Ngeh Hock Chek was supposed to be Senator. Thus, what is the bottomline here? Surely, not openly and transparently working for the cause of justice.

    Thank you.

  24. Hafarizam

    Almost half, if not three-quarter of the institutions listed in the email are not GLCs. Some could even be foreign-owned. Ooopppss.. Did I hear someone screaming foreign conspiracy to topple a Melayu government?

    It is understandable, although I still think it is shallow of you, if the email had mostly GLCs in the list.

    I think yo should stick to your legal arguments and updates, which I find readable.

  25. Dear Abdullah AR,

    Thank you for your comments. I agree that almost half if not three-quarter are not GLCs. However, under the BAFIA (Banking and Financial Institutions Act), it will have to get Bank Negara's licence/approval, so impliedly (if not expressly) Government will have shares. I agree, if it is HSBC or Citibank, it is foreign owned but what about BSN, CIMB etc. What about Khazanah Nasional, Kerajaan Negeri Terengganu etc, they are definitely not foreign owned!

    I do not profess to be Malay-ultra because I got British Government's scholarship (Chevening programme) to pursue my Masters neother do I will scream for the innuendos suggested by you! But what I do not understand is the hyprocity displayed by them in 'getting fees from doing works for related companies of the Government but bringing down (by doing pro bono work) the very same Government'. Where is the balance in all these?

    Thank you.

  26. Hafarizam

    I didn't mean that it was you who was about to scream. I think you would be above that. But I thought it would not be beyond some other UMNO bloggers to say that. I'm sorry I did not make myself clear.

    I think it is nor fair for you to reproduce the email. The client of the lawyers concerned are not even up against the government. Nizar is against Zambry.

    If we stretch your argument to its logical conclusion, then no lawyer who advises/represents GLCs could represent ordinary people against the government. Take for example, medical negligence in a government hospital. I do not think there could be any objection to a lawyer representing a GLC to represent a client suing the government doctor and the government.

    However, what troubles me in your post and your comment at 4:38 is my perception of your subconcious thinking as the PUU of UMNO that UMNO/BN and government are the same. Khazanah, Petronas, BSN etc are government owned. They are not UMNO/BN owned. So there should not be any conflict of interest when lawyers who count GLCs as their clients represent politicians against UMNO/BN/BNpoliticians.

    Having read the comments, I must apologise for saying that I discern a thinking that the relationship between these GLCs and these lawyers is like a master and servant relationship. Almost like the relationship between Class F contractors and the government. An insinuation that these lawyers are dependent on the GLCs work but are "biting the hands that feed them". An insinuation that the jobs given to these lawyers could be done by any lawyer. It is far from that. There is a reason the GLCs engaged these lawyers. People like Ranjit, Koh and Tommy had earned their reputation as top lawyers in their respective areas of practice even before the GLCs courted them, if any.

    If they or anyone else really do pro-bono work for the opposition or anybody, I do not think we have the right to say anything about that.

    Lastly, I cannot get hold of the BAFIA at the moment. But I would think that even foreign owned banks have to be licensed by BNM before they could operate in M'sia. I do not think that gives the government any share in these foreign banks. Likewise, I do not see how licensing by BNM would impliedly give the government any share in the local banks. Are local banks like Public Bank considered GLC?

    Thank you

  27. Dear Abdullah AR,

    Having read your explanation, I must say that you have a point there i.e. lawyers are on a 'cab-rank rule. But, the story does not just stop there! I have seen, in the course of handling this Perak issue, how emotional they have become (which in turn made me to be emotional also. One example was when we were in Federal Court, one of their lawyers shouted 'hidup Nizar', thus, should I just keep quiet? Obviously NOT! So, I shouted 'hidup Zambry'); and they apply all sort of tactics just to delay (yes, that is allowed but ethics?). It is still fresh in my mind (March 2nd to be precise), I was doing the filing of the Orginating Summons at the Ipoh High Court Registry, I was asked whether I am filing an injucntion, I said becuase I cant do that. I in turn asked if their clients are willing to 'adjourn the sitting under the tree to which their answer, NOPE SORRY1'. I understand very well they are are under instructions, but so do I. That was why we filed an injunction to stop further illegal assembly & made me to say, on air, 'Mesyuarat bawah Pokok hanyalah mesyurat bawah Pokok'.

    I have also seen how they orchastrated their client's case just to fit their political hunger (have you seen lawyers, almost immediately after the case adjourned/ended, frantically rushed outside Court and start making comments to the press? Now, if I do not do it also, what will happen to BN's position? You know very well that alternative media will not have anything good to say to about BN? so, where do we get our side of the story explained?)

    Last not but least, the amount of vexatious actions filed in Courts by them do not augur well with the discharge of their duties. I still remember, almost a day after the collapse of Pakatan pembangkang Government's in Perak, one of their lawyer filed a declaration to declare the 3 seats vacant but later on, withdraw! Yes, it is allowed, but should not you give a deep thought about it before you even file.

    Thus, whilst they may have made a name (and so do I) but getting carried away (unless you come out and say that I am PKR lawyer or DAP lawyer (or advisers) just like me), you lose your respect by others.

    My two cent worth, if I may.

  28. Mana PANGLIMA UMNO semua?? Mana PEMUDA UMNO ygberani bertempik?? Dah tahu benda ini berlaku apa lagi tunggu?? Buat lah operasi pembersihan!!!

    Itu la kalau orang cakap Pemimpin UMNO dan PEMUDA UMNO lembab dan BODOH marah tetapi ini jelas tak aa tindakan.. memang BODOH!!

  29. Datuk,

    we appreciate if Datul could reply to a comment appears in Malaysian Bar website in relation to this posting.

  30. Aaahhhh, is that why you guys are Pro-government? Does professional ethics and profesional duty come into the equation for you? What happens WHEN BN is voted out the next election? Are you prepared to stick with BN, or will you sell your souls then?

  31. the moment BN=KERAJAAN, later BN no longer KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN, so kalau prinsip ini lah yang datuk hidupkan maka..pei jahanam la 1malaysia. peguam mangkuk.

  32. Sdr Hafarizam,

    Adakah saudara sudah mencuba mendapatkan pekerjaan daripada PKNS, PKINK atau PDC? Saya pasti tidak sebab saudara berpegang pada prinsip yg saudara cuba ketengahkan diatas.

    Tetapi kalau saudara telah mencuba tetapi tidak berjaya, bolehkah saya kata email ini bukan dari org lain tapi dari saudara sendiri untuk membri tahu bahawa kalau kerajaan boleh bersikap adil kepada peguam2 tersebut, kenapa kerajaan pembangkang tidak memberi ruang yang sama terhadap saudara dan rakan-rakan.

    Dan melihat analogi Abdullah AR diatas, saya juga ingin menambah, bolehkah saudara nyatakan firma2 penyokong kerajaan yg sekarang memberi khidmat kepada syarikat2 kepunyaan negeri pembangkang? dan sanggupkah saudara mencabar mereka supaya menarik diri atas 'rasional' prinsip yg saudara nyatakan.

    Terima kasih

  33. Habis, yang selama ni UMNO dan rakannya menyamun duit negara tu korang tak pulak bising. Korang ingat bank-bank tu UMNO/BN punya ke? Selama ni syarikat guaman tu buat kerja, dan hasilnya pula memuaskan. Sebab tulah sampai sekarang servis mereka masih diteruskan. Bukan macam sesetengah geng UMNO/BN yang buat bisnes secara 'hit-and-run'. Lepas tu tinggalkan segala bala bencana pada klien. Dah banyak benda macam ni berlaku. Bila orang lain dapat UMNO/BN sebok tak tentu hala. Korang ingat yang patut dapat projek bilion-bilion, juta-juta orang UMNO/BN aje ke? Piiiiirah!

  34. sdr Hafarizam,

    saya kira tulisan ini amat memalukan karier profesional sdr.

    apakah sdr fikir jika UMNO-BN tumbang maka agensi2 berkenaan akan ditutup?

    manusia berkhidmat dengan merit, dan merit tidak diukur dengan sokongan politik. tolong jangan malukan UMNO-BN dengan pandangan begini.

  35. UMNO/BN memang kurang kering aka lombap...too bad, huh

  36. I'm with a BN component party - have been since 1979 but I totally disagree with the manner the list of so-called ungrateful lawyers (who have benefitted from BN patronage but yet choose to work for PR pro-bono)is put out in your blog. It would seem that you are an interested party - being another lawyer in practice and all. Is this ethical? or the ends justifify whatever means (even unethical ones)?

  37. Peguam menjalankan tugasnya yang dilantik oleh
    mana mana firma atau bank-bank didalam urusan perniagaan mereka,biasalah tugas ak propeguam tidak mengira mana-mana parti politik,kalau nak kira itu peguam pembangkang jangan ambil jadi penal,
    jika berlaku sedemikian perilaku pihak firma-firma dan bank-bank tidak profesynel.

  38. Dear Sir,
    Hope I'm not too late to join in on this interesting discussion.

    The logic you presented goes like this...
    The GLCs belong to the government. The law firms in your list get business from the GLCs. At the same time, the law firms whack the government. Therefore, these law firms have become ungrateful; they need to be embargoed from getting business from the GLCs.

    Let's apply the same logic on a related matter...
    Malaysia belongs to its people. The BN government was put into power by the majority of the people. At the same time, the BN government screws the rakyat by raping the country's institutions like the judiciary, the MACC, and the police. Therefore this BN government has become way beyond ungrateful; they need to be embargoed from ever running this country, until they start to respect the rakyat.

    I don't know about your lawyer's logic, but my engineer's logic tells me that the above paragraph makes sense, no?

  39. Salam dear hafarizam,

    I am a laymen but I think the example that given by Abdullah AR is not relevent. Look below

    If we stretch your argument to its logical conclusion, then no lawyer who advises/represents GLCs could represent ordinary people against the government. Take for example, medical negligence in a government hospital. I do not think there could be any objection to a lawyer representing a GLC to represent a client suing the government doctor and the government.

    This is negligence case and focus on civil case from ordinary individual. And the case will not giving any effect to stability to our country.

    I don't think this an apple to apple comparison

  40. Apa susahnya, mereka (GLC, Banks dll) memilih peguam tersebut kerana mereka tahu peguam yang bukan dari UMNO adalah lebih jujur, profesional, dan mengikut prinsip keadilan dan perundangan bukan macam peguam UMNO yang penipu, berkepentingan diri sendiri, korup, takbur, tidak jujur, angkuh, sombong macam UMNO juga

  41. the GLCs are Government Linked Companies, lah. They are not UMNO linked companies. UMNO belongs to it's members. The government belongs to the party in power. To say that the Government is UMNO is wrong. One is a political party whereas the Government is the servant of the people. We must be clear that GLCs do not belong to UMNO and are not beholden to UMNO. GLCs work for the government and thus are responsible to the rakyat.

    The poor legal advisor needs some legal advise himself. If this is the calibre of UMNO's legal advisor, it is no wonder the party is sinking. Un-clever man, this legal advisor.

  42. Dear esteemed readers,

    Thank you for your support by reading this posting in my blog. It shows how diverse we are on 1 issues, similarly, it shows how we failed to understand the crux of the issue at hand.

    What I intend to conclude from that posting, which unfortunately I did not get (or maybe I did not get it right), was whether there is some sense of respectability, morality and honesty of these lawyers! But what I got was ridicule statements of my intelligence, analogical deduction etc. I never and will never profess that I am the brightest of all but at least I make stand clear i.e. I support UMNO/BN and will never do something against it. That is the silent rule, otherwise, you will have lawyers changing courts depending on their clients' case. Yes, we are professional but what lacking is integrity! Why has not any of them come out and deny that they do work for these GLCs? Obviously, you cannot have the cake and at the same time eat it, right.

    My honest opinion and I stand to be corrected.

    Thank you.

  43. LLM Claycroft Friend 2003 said...

    Tok Zam,

    We appoint only the best and the best happens to also act for the opposition. We cant be appointing mediocre lawyers just because they claim to be supporting the government.

    By the way, if you still have my number, do give me a call sometime:) Unfortunately, I lost yours.

  44. blogger Pro BN yg byk kali ckp dan cuba dedahkan...bhw...terdapat segelintir kepercayaan PM terdiri dr pro pembangkang.puak2 niih yg rekomen syarikat pro pembangkang kat kerajaan.sau do you know that pro goverment lawyers were of average minded..
