Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rayuan Zambry - perkembangan terkini

Salam Sejahtera,

Sebentar tadi Mahkamah Rayuan di Putrajaya yang dipengerusikan oleh YA Hakim Raus Shariff (bersidang bersama YA Hakim Zainon Ali & YA Hakim Ahmad Maarof) telah berhenti berehat pada pukul 1145 dan sekarang telah bersambung semula (sewaktu saya menulis catitan ini). Sebelum Mahkamah Rayuan berhenti rehat, Dato' Cecil Abraham (selaku Peguam Utama YAB Dato' Seri Zambry, MB Perak) telah berhujah, antara lainnya, perkara-perkara berikut:

1. Kes Stephen Kalong Ningkan - pemakaiannya di dalam kes Nizar v Zambry

Dato' Cecil telah memberikan tiga sebab kenapa kes diatas tidak terpakai di dalam kes Nizar v Zambry. Pertama, surat bahawa Stephen Kalong Ningkan telah 'hilang kepercayaan' telah ditandakan sebagai 'top secret & private and confidential' manakala di dalam kes Nizar v Zambry, ianya tidak. Juga, dua (2) hari sebelum berlakunya surat tersebut, beberapa Enakmen-enakmen Sarawak telah diluluskan oleh sidang Dewan Negeri Sarawak! Kedua, kes Stephen Kalong Ningkan tidak pernah memberi ruang untuk beliau menerangkan situasi sebenar (samada beliau telah hilang 'kepercayaan' majoriti, perlu diingat kedudukan kerusi sewaktu itu di Sarawak ialah 42) manakala di dalam kes Nizar v Zambry, Nizar telah diberikan peluang oleh DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan untuk menerangkan samada Nizar hilang kepercayaan majoriti berdasarkan surat yang ditandatangani oleh 31 ADUN BN/Bebas yang menyokong BN; dan Ketiga, tindakan DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi bukanlah suatu perilaku 'overt' seperti di dalam kes Stepehen Kalong Ningkan pabila TYT Gabenor Sarawak menulis surat kepada Stephen Kalong Ningkan (sewaktu itu).

2. Bila Nizar mengadap DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan, beliau telah hilang kepercayaan

Apabila Nizar mengadap DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan pada 4hb Februari 2009, beliau telah menurut Artiel 16(6) Perlembagaan negeri Perak hilang kepercayaan majoriti ahli-ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri. Pengataan Nizar bahawa disebabkan 'kemelut politik' iaitu 28-28 tidak tepat kerana DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan ada dihadapannya tiga surat penarikan balik perletakkan jawatan oleh ADUN Behrang, Changkat Jering dan Jelapang. Juga, pihak SPR telah membuat ketetapan bahawa tidak terdapatnya 'kekosongan luarbiasa' di dalam Artikel 36(5) Perlembagaan Negeri terhadap 3 kerusi DUN diatas.

Mahkamah berehat tepat pukul 1pm dan akan sambung semula pukul 2pm.


  1. Take a look at how I would have argued the 2 sen thought...salam

  2. Datuk...i want to share with you in this case...Pelantikan Nizar last year is similar with Pelantikan Zambry ...i dont see any discrepancy...can we look to how lantikan Datuk Ahmad Said di Terengganu and MB Perlis last year...they are not in Pak Lah's list...tapi bila list tersebut dibawa utk perkenan Tuanku Agong and Raja Perlis...ianya tidak diperkenan dan orang lain dilantik ....ATAS KUASA APAKAH TUANKU AGONG & RAJA PERLIS must be sumtin stated in the clause dlm Undang Undang Tubuh K'aan it sendiri yang memberi kuasa kepada Sultan utk melantik....from what i can see is...many are unaware that The Sultan has been bestowed with " Reserved Powers " under the state constitution and this " RP " are said to be the Sultan's inherent powers that he inherits which he may use upon HIS DISCRETION at any one time to prevent ANY CRISIS that might jeopardize the stability and peace of his state. I believed Tuanku Azlan use this " RP " in appointing Zambry...of course basicly with the current situation at THAT time Pakatan Rakyat has lost its majority among the assembly members IN WRITTEN when the three members deserted their party and supports BN. Sultan is the constitutional monarch and they are bestowed with this " RP ". Saya dapat tekankan disini, Tuanku ada kuasa ini dan boleh dilihat dlm UTKNP dalam Article 7 & 10. Di baca dgn Article 12(1) & 12 (2)...digabungkan dgn Article 16(2)(a), 16(4) dan 16 (6 )serta 18 (2). Perkataan ' his discretion ' dlm most of the Article ...i believe it means the " Reserved Powers " yang i mentioned earlier..pls correct me if i'm wrong but to share with you about this and your opinion about this... Tuanku Azlan's has discretionary powers to appoint Zambry " who in his judgement with " RP " is likely to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the assembly. ( Surat - surat YB yg berkaitan sebagai bukti yg Tuanku berpuas hati apabila semua YB yg berkaitan mengadap dan memberi kata setuju menyokong BN ) ...Therefore, decision Tuanku Azlan appoint DS Zambry which gained the majority of the members of the assembly is based on the " RP " endowed to him as Sultan Of Perak AND NOT AGAINST THE DEMOCRATIC WILL OF THE PEOPLE AS MANY CLAIM. Your comment and opinion please....thank you..

  3. I must say that I entirely agree with your legal reasoning on the exercise of HRH the Sultan of Perak in appointing YAB Dato' Seri Dr Zambry as Mentri Besar when YB Dato' Seri Ir Nizar 'refused' to resign when told to do so. Such 'refusal' ipso facto brought with it grave consequences, in particular, his constitutional dismissal!
    On the same note, it was not the people that elected YB Dato' Seri Ir Nizar as their Mentri Besar after the 8/3/2008 but rather, on compromise, PKR/DAP/PAS agreed that YB Dato' Seri Ir Nizar shal be their Mentri Besar. The same argument was canvassed by Tuan Haji Sulaiman Abdullah today at the Court of Appeal that it is the 59 ADUNs that shall decide who their Mentri Besar shall be. When YB dato' Seri Ir Nizar was appointed, there was no sitting that preceded such appointment, similarly, the same happened to YAB Dato' Seri Zambry. Thus, what is for the goose is for the gander!
    Thank you.
